What are the main reasons behind huge turn over in today's age Organizations
what i have observed that majority of people working in various organizations, majority of them are seemed to be dissatisfied from their jobs, Mostly in baking industries huge ratio of employees want to quit their jobs, I have conducted many researches and I have found by my personal observations and my experiences, the only factor is that the matter of self esteem, self respect and work life balance.
Those organizations who have made their rules to assume men like machines, their preferences are only focused on the making the higher profits and increasing the business volumes but ignoring the benefits of its manpower you know which is the biggest of all organizations. If we put a glance on those companies or organizations who have become the giant organizations and ruling over the world against their competitors, the secret of their success will only be found that they assume their employees as their most prioritized and the most precious asset. therefore all the employees working in different organizations they can be retained as potential workforce of the organization by maintaining their work life balance, providing them intrinsic and Extrinsic rewards and majority of the people prefer to work with those organizations where they are continuously accepted, respected, appreciated, encouraged, inspired, empowered and valued
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